Trist is a straight-forward game in which you move stones around a board and try to land on a square with either 2 or 3 stones in it, thus capturing the stones and making points.
Trist is a Shareware game. This means that you are obligated to send $5 if you decide to keep Trist (or equivalent local currency). Send the fee to:
Tom Gooding
14319 Cypress Hill Drive
Chesterfield, MO 63017-2838 U.S.A.
If you are unable to print out the Shareware Registration Form, write down how you obtained Trist, your type of Macintosh, and any comments or suggestions.
If you encounter any bugs in the program, email me @:
Learning How to Play
Launch Trist and select 'Tutorial' under the options menu. It will tell you everything you need to get started.
Game Settings
This brings up a dialog box that allows you to edit various features of the game. For instance, how many initial stones per box.
Computer Play
There are a variety of computer play levels offered in Trist. Once you learn the game, you should be able to beat the computer intelligence level of 'None', because it randomly picks moves. The 'Novice' level is offensive only while the 'Average' setting is more protective. The levels of 'Intermediate' and above look several turns ahead. However, contrary to what you might want to believe, the computer does not cheat and the Grand Master is beatable.
Note: Higher difficulty levels may take some time on slower Macs.
- New Game
- Starts a new game, same as clicking in the window.
- Abort/Draw Game
- Aborts or draws a game in progress.
- Print Registration Form
- Prints the Shareware Registration Form so that I can receive feedback
from you. Send this IN!!!!
- Human vs. Human
Human vs. Computer
Computer vs. Computer
- Computer Intelligence
- Intelligence of the computer, increases with difficulty.
Note: Higher levels may take time. Each level makes the computer look
ahead 1 more turn.
- Hint
- Supplies a hint to the player
- Display Scores
- Displays a total wins/losses both players.
- Sound
- Turns sound on/off
- Game Settings
- Allows users to enter their names and modify the game, adding variety.